Run This Town – Women’s Health GIVEAWAY

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Women's Health & FEED's 4th Annual RUN10 FEED10 Race, NYC_Pre-Race Warm Up with NFS Nikki Metzger  3 (1)

Pants: Floral Fade Ankle Tights | Top: Fuse Tee | Shoes: Nike

Hi Everyone!

Happy Thursday! Hope you’re having a good week – we’re almost to the weekend. Almost.

I’m especially excited for this weekend because on Sunday, I’ll  be running the Women’s Health RUN 10 FEED 10. If y’all remember, earlier this year I ran my first ever half-marathon. It was a lot of hard work and training, but since then I haven’t really kept up. Eep.

However, I’m so looking forward to getting back in the swing of things. This time especially since the Women’s Health RUN 10 FEED 10 is for an amazing cause.

For a little background, RUN10 FEED10 has raised enough money to provide 3.75 million meals to Americans in need. Currently, 49 million Americans are going hungry – wondering where they will get their next meal.

Together, we make make a change and help end hunger. I truly believe it.

This Sunday, the race is going into its fourth year and need help once again to reach their goal of providing 5 million meals.

For those of you in the San Francisco Bay Area, join me this Sunday for the RUN10Feed10 race. Better yet? You can get $5 off your registration fee with the code: R10F10PR

Along with $5 off, I’m giving away an amazing “Fit Kit” full of beauty, lifestyle and FEED products to one lucky reader! To give you an idea of what it looks like, it looks a little like this.

How to enter? Just comment below and tell me what inspires you to make a difference in your community (big or small!)

Looking forward to crossing the finish line Sunday. Hope to see you there!





The Avon 39 – The Walk To End Breast Cancer


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Hi Everyone!

Happy Wednesday! As many of you know, in 10 days I will be participating in the Avon 39 – The Walk To Fight Breast Cancer. 

For all of you who don’t know my experience with this disease i’ll tell you my personal story. During November of 2012, my mother called me during work saying that she was diagnosed with breast cancer. My world slowly crumbled as I knew I was thousands of miles away and couldn’t give or show her the same support she showed me throughout those 23 years. But, instead of feeling sorry for herself or sad, she was determined. Determined to be positive, determined to be strong and determined to fight through this awful disease.

Fast forward to 2015 and not only has she continued to be a fighter, but she beat breast cancer and is better than ever. I’m so thankful to have her in my life and can’t imagine not being able to call her at a moment’s notice to ask for career advice, bring me back to earth or even a simple “I love you.”

That being said, that’s the reason why i’m walking the Avon 39. For my mom and to help find a curse for breast cancer.

I had the amazing opportunity to speak with Lis Fuchs, a breast cancer survivor who is participating in her sixth AVON 39! She’s San Francisco’s top walker and has raised over $22,000 thus far! Insane, right?!

Lis is currently living with metastatic breast cancer and is walking to raise awareness about funds for the disease. I asked Lis a few questions about her experiences and getting involved in the Avon 39 Walk.

I asked her a few questions and am truly inspired by her spirit, her wisdom, and determination to find a cure.

Talk to me about your experience with breast cancer and how does it feel to be a breast cancer survivor?

Breast cancer has been a part of my adult life for as long as I can remember. My mother was diagnosed while I was in college, and since then breast cancer has become somewhat of a family vocation. Virtually every woman on both sides of my family has been diagnosed with breast cancer, several multiple times. I was diagnosed for the first time at 37 years old.

Survivor is a funny word. I know it is a word that is thrown around a lot when it comes to being initially diagnosed with breast cancer and coming out the other end of treatment. Once diagnosed with breast cancer, there is a 30% chance that at some point in the future (1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 26 years, etc… later) that a breast cancer patient will be diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast to other parts of the body and is not curable. The average life expectancy of someone diagnosed with MBC is 26 months, but is extending every year with new research and developments. I was diagnosed with MBC nine years after my original diagnosis, and have been living with (more battling with it lately in my bones and liver) the effects of MBC for the past 4 ½ years.

How did you get involved with AVON 39? And what’s your favorite part about being involved in this community?

I participated in my first Avon Walk and captained my first team a decade ago in 2005 (3 years after my initial diagnosis). At the time, I really had no idea that I would be back to walk again.

Two years later I walked again with my friend, to more quietly celebrate my five-year “cancer-versary”.  In the back of my mind I knew that I wanted to make a renewed commitment to the cause to celebrate my ten-year anniversary.

Over four years ago when I learned the cancer was back (or more likely had never left), I knew I really needed to walk. I wanted to help others less fortunate than myself and I wanted the team spirit of doing it alongside family and friends.  And so began Team Ten Strong!

My hope in walking the Avon39 and raising money for research is that we can get one step closer to finding a way for those of us living with metastatic disease (Stage IV) to live with breast cancer as a forever-treatable disease.

What’s one moment that stood out to you during your walk?

Every year I make some unexpected new connection. It’s never planned. It just happens. Last year, I spoke impromptu at the Saturday night dinner and introduced my three sons to the crowd. They were young when I was first diagnosed (9, 6, and 4) and I know it brought a lot of hope and tears when the young Moms in the audience saw my three strapping young men (now 21, 19 and 17) stand in support of their Mom!

During the 2nd Day of the Walk, I was stopped by one of the MOTO crew who presented me with a pink shirt for making him cry!


If you’d like to learn more about Lis, you can read her story here. Also, i’m $400 dollars away from my goal and need your help! If you’d like to donate, please follow the link and help me in my fight against breast cancer!



Recap: Athleta x The Ohio Transplant



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Hi Everyone!

As y’all know, I hosted a class at Athleta last Saturday with Tricia Kirkwood of SunshineFIT and Shikhalamode! It was an amazing (and full!) class and i’m so thankful for everyone who showed up!

I have to admit, I was pretty sore after the class and now, can’t get enough of pilates.

Through ClassPass, i’ve been able to try out a variety of workouts that I love (Burn SF, Mighty Pilates, and Pilates ProWorks), but would love to try something new and switch it up! Any ideas?



Fitness Feature – Burn San Francisco

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Hi Everyone!

You may have seen me write about it, but over the past few weeks i’ve been doing a lot of classes a la Class Pass. Now, if you don’t know about ClassPass, check it out – it totally has transformed the way I workout and the way I think about working out!

Most recently, I had the opportunity to check out a class (that’s available on ClassPass) called Burn San Francisco. I’m a big lover of pilates, but let me tell you…Burn is a bit different.

Their mantra and method emphasize constant movement using circuits to challenge and improve endurance, agility, balance, and strength, with appropriate focus on stressing proper form and method.

With their newest location in Hayes Valley, I checked it out and had the opportunity to speak with the owner, Lisa Corsello!

The new space is beautiful and airy. Inviting and not overwhelming, you’re greeted by a wonderful receptionist who welcomes you to the studio and asks if you have any injuries prior to your class. I snagged a bottle of water before the class (free of charge!) and was on my way to getting my butt kicked.

We spent an hour mixing up our workout between cardio, strength training, and stretching. Some of the moves were foreign to me, but luckily my instructor Sierra was awesome!

Lisa and I caught up after class and she told me about her journey of opening Burn and what’s to come. With the opening of the Hayes Valley location comes two others and loads of promise!

I highly encourage you to try Burn San Francisco if you’re in the area. After all, they have 4 locations (Hayes Valley, Mission, Inner Sunset, and Russian Hill) now!




Photos via Burn SF Instagram and Jennifer Graham Photography



Hi Everyone!

Happy Thursday! This week has been all about resetting. Resetting expectations, goals, attitude and behaviors — you name it, i’ve been doing it. It’s really hard to be let down (whether it’s by something or someone) and even harder to look past that and keep going. I always have to remind myself that I am in control of whatever I do, how I feel, etc. and will always be happier when I choose happiness over anger or sadness.

With that in mind, this thankful list is a nice reminder (or reset) to me:

  • I signed up for my first ever half-marathon! No going back now!
  • Seeing old friends from college like Jamie and Holly
  • Trying new exercise classes and studios like Mint Studio and Pilates ProWorks 
  • Staying home on a week night, getting in bed by 10 p.m. and falling fast asleep by 10:05 p.m.
  • Calling my mom during the day and receiving never ending love and support.
  • Working hard and doing my best in whatever I do.
  • Standing up for myself and being direct
  • Buying my first ever (well, sort of!) city bike!
  • Meeting new friends in the city like Sarah and Annie.

Until tomorrow!

